The smallest of birds holding the biggest meaning

(Image taken by thebazile_gonzo)

There is this little hummingbird that likes to hang out with us and has been visiting every day. Hummingbirds are such tiny, cute little things and have been known to be good omens.  Usually linking up with hope and jubilation. Know that good things are in the works and on their way. Have a positive outlook on life, whatever may be going on. You always have the choice to react to each situation. So why not try to be positive and look at it in that light. Sometimes it is more difficult that other days, but know that you can do it! 

On there is a lot of fun information about hummingbirds including what it means in different cultures. Very cool and fun to learn about.

Always remember to notice the little things. Those little things in life are what make up this big beautiful life. Happy weekend readers.


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